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Black on White Crime in America

When Daniel Patrick Moynihan
zeroed in on the disintegration
of the nuclear family as the
root origin of African-
American scarcity and crime
in the mid-1960s, the out-of- wedlock birth rate for very
dark Americans was 25 percent.

Today, after a civil-rights
transformation (culminating
in the election of the nation’s first
African-American leader)
and $15 trillion spent on a
feckless war on scarcity (the
authorized scarcity rate hasn’t
budged), more than 70 per hundred
of black offspring are born
out of wedlock.

Consequently, job loss and poverty remain far higher for blacks than for the rest of Americans. More disturbing,
however, is the elephant in
the dwelling room that no one in
the public eye appears intriguing in
addressing — appalling levels
of crime pledged by juvenile
African-American males.

cause the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin activity garnered so much attention was the odd
environment of a white man
(“white Hispanic” according to CNN)
supposedly accosting a black teen. unhappily, when it arrives to
interracial misdeed, the turn
around is anything but uncommon. To

- New York town regulation enforcement confirms that a 62-year-old man has died from
wounds endured at the hands
of a suppose who announced
he was “going to punch the first
white man that I see.”

- Two
women, elderly 24 and 32, are gang-raped by a dozen youths in a Delaware reserve renowned for such brazen misdeeds.

- An 88-year-old veteran of World War II is brutally beaten to death with
flashlights outside a Spokane,
Wash., lodge by two men between 16 and 19 years of age.

- Three wannabe gang members, two of whom
were very dark, shoot down
Australian college student Chris roadway “for the joy of it.”

- St. Paul inhabitant Ray
Widstrand is almost struck to
death via flash mob-style violence on the city’s chaotic East Side.

- A 13-year-old boy
is brutally beaten by three other
teens on a Florida school coach, all captured on video.

Another 13-year-old is doused in gasoline and set on blaze by perpetrators in Kansas City telling him, “You get what you warrant, white boy.”

- 22-year-old Jody
Patzner is killed in cold blood by
three teens for his two wheeler in north Minneapolis — with barely a mention of the suspects’ rush by
administration or local newspapers.

These actions of unspeakable violence perpetrated by very dark lawbreakers on white victims seldom get much media
vigilance, for fear of
“subjecting an entire assembly of persons to suspicion,” as
one well-known newspaper
reviewer lately put it.

Yet they are no statistical anomaly. While most brutal misdeed is indeed intrarracial, 26.7 per hundred of murders where the casualty is a outsider are interracial. And in 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7
lawbreakers per 100,000) was
seven times higher than the
rate for whites (3.4 lawbreakers per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

Accounting for community
differences, whites are easily
far more likely to be victims of interracial crime than blacks. That, of course, didn’t halt Jesse Jackson from telling the Los Angeles Times at the size of the Zimmerman rush that “targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately murdering us is
big business.”

-The facts and figures, once afresh, propose something rather distinct.-

In the mid-1990s, the Center for Equal opening
analyzed 55,512 felony situations
filed in state enclosures for the 75
largest shires, comprising 37 per hundred of the U.S. community. The weighted data, taken from the BJS, disclosed that committees actually
acquit blacks at a higher rate than
whites for 12 of the 14 kinds
of misdeed studied — including murder, rape, robbery and assault. The only category that
had a higher conviction rate
for African-Americans was
felony traffic offenses.

To be certain, poverty is still a
important difficulty in built- up
America, and a failed conflict on
pharmaceuticals does have a disproportionate impact on groups of color. But neither can fully interpret the worrying tendency in very dark lawless person behavior that only genuine authority — and a
little honesty — can finally solve.

But don’t expect
that anytime shortly. Acknowledging that a “gangsta heritage” is to blame
for larger self-inflicted cuts among juvenile African-American males than
the remnants of racial bias is especially awkward for those whose vocations are constructed
upon finding a racist under
every bed.


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